
  Exploring Cultures through Movies is an innovative and stimulating textbook concentrating mainly on improving students' speaking, listening, reading, critical thinking and problem solving skills. The textbook's activities are designed to accommodate a wide range of students' interest and can be used for students of various levels of English proficiency.

  Key Features:

  * 8 units featuring a variety of Hollywood & international movies
  * Each unit contains listening, speaking and reading exercises
  * Each unit ends with speech, presentation, or role play activities
  * Pre-intermediate to advanced level listening, speaking and reading
  * Thought provoking topics for graduate and undergraduate students
  * A variety of cultural and social themes are introduced and left open for further class discussion
  * Examination of one's own views and understanding of the world
  * Emphasis on independent thinking and critical analysis
  * Help students to develop a multidimensional view of the world
  * Suitable for speaking, listening, movie and culture courses
  * Movie viewing is optional

  Teacher's CD includes: answers, related movie clips, list of movies (in English & Chinese) for each unit, PPT presentations for special topics, final project ideas and samples of students' final projects


Dr. Massoud Moslehpour

  Dr. Massoud Moslehpour, an EFL educator specialized in computer, speech, presentation, and multimedia instruction, has been teaching in several countries for the past 20 years. He has been working in Taiwan as EFL teacher since 1999. He received his Ph.D. from University of Missouri-Columbia in the field of technology education. He is currently teaching English, Spanish and Quantitative Research Methods as assistant professor for the departments of Foreign Languages and Literature (外國語文學系) and Business Administration (經營管理學系) at Asia University (亞洲大學) in Taichung - Taiwan.


  • ISBN:9789574836772
  • 規格:平裝 / 138頁 / 16k / 19 x 26 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 本書分類:> >



大家好,我是小董,一個愛做飯又怕長肉的90後,每天用簡單的食材做出美味的菜品! ... 從古自今都有很多寶寶們為了減肥而選擇減少主食量,同時也有很多的反面例子,為了減肥縮食而導致身體各種問題。主要是由於減肥減少吃的食物量,而導致腸胃不適,身體營養不良,導致身體出現各種問題。 ... 其實大家都明白減肥不是一蹴而就的,我們要達到減肥的目的,就要合理的飲食,再加上適度的鍛鍊。大家都說堅持就是勝利,所以合理的飲食搭配適當的鍛鍊長期堅持下去就一定會有效果的。 ... 今天小董給大家分享三道做法簡單家常的減肥餐,換著花樣做,小肚子上的肉慢慢就消失了。 【涼拌苦菊】: 【主要食材】:苦菊,雞蛋,黃瓜, 【配料】:紅辣椒,蒜,蔥,醋,生抽,蠔油,鹽,十三香,雞精,白糖,香油 【具體製作步驟】: ... 1、將苦菊掰成小朵,然後清洗乾淨,放入筐中控水備用 ... 2、將黃瓜和紅辣椒清洗乾淨,然後用刀背將黃瓜拍扁切成段;紅辣椒切成絲;盛入盤中備用,在碗中打入三個雞蛋,打散備用 ... 3、平底鍋倒入適量的油,油熱然後倒入打好的雞蛋液,將雞蛋液攤成圓餅,定型後翻面,烙1分鐘左右,然後盛出晾涼 ... 4、大蒜拍扁剁成末,蔥切成絲,盛入碗中,然後再放兩勺醋,一勺生抽,一勺蠔油,一勺鹽,十三香,雞精,白糖提鮮,最後倒入適量的香油,清水,攪拌均勻備用 ... 5、雞蛋餅晾涼,捲起來,切成絲,放入盆里中,淋入料汁,攪拌均勻 【手撕包菜】 【主要食材】:包菜, 【配料】:蔥,蒜,干辣椒,花椒,生抽,鹽,白糖,十三香,蠔油 【具體製作步驟】: ... 1、將包菜一層層撕開,沖洗乾淨,放入筐中控水,水分控干之後撕成大片, ... 2、下面我們準備一些配料切點蔥蒜,干辣椒切段,花椒放入盤中備用; ... 3、鍋中加油,油熱放入蔥蒜干辣椒和花椒,炒香後放包菜,大火快速煸炒,將包菜炒至透明變軟 ... 4、最後再調一下味,淋入香醋,生抽,鹽,白糖,十三香,加入適量的蠔油,快速翻炒入味即可 【西紅柿炒西葫蘆】 【主要食材】:西葫蘆,西紅柿 【配料】:蔥,蒜,香醋,生抽,蠔油,鹽,味精,白糖,胡椒粉 【具體製作方法】: ... 1、首先將準備好的食材清洗乾淨,然後將西葫蘆切成片,盛入盤中備用,西紅柿先切片,然後切成條,再切成丁,蔥切成片,蒜切片備用 ... 2、鍋中加入適量的清水,水開之後放鹽,食用油,將西葫蘆焯水1-2分鐘左右撈出控水備用 ... 3、鍋中加入適量的油,油熱放入蔥蒜炒香,再放入西紅柿炒出湯汁,再加入焯水的西葫蘆翻炒 ... 4、下面調一下味,先放入適量的香醋,翻炒均勻再放入生抽,蠔油,鹽,味精,白糖,胡椒粉,翻炒均勻即可 減脂的食材還有哪些?大家都是怎麼做的呢?歡迎大家在評論區留言討論,感謝大家的關注與支持! 如果想學更多家常菜請關注小董美食,小董每天用簡單的食材做出美味的菜品,為家人做好每一頓飯,感謝大家關注與支持!














大城容易冒汗中醫推薦 建國科大附近推薦睡眠障礙門診看什麼科 治療有成效的員林中醫診所,失眠睡不著改善很多水里味覺異常看什麼科 草屯頭痛改善中醫診所 治療有成效的彰化中醫診所,失眠睡不著改善很多大葉大學附近推薦心臟無力感治療中醫 埔鹽手抖治療有效中醫診所 把脈超神的和美中醫診所,睡眠障礙改善很多彰化瞳孔擴張或收縮治療中醫 信義鄉味覺異常治療有效中醫診所 Dcard推薦的彰化中醫診所,失眠睡不著改善很多


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